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Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 10, 2012

Scite default encoding to UTF-8 Autoit

Scite is one of the best text editors out there – functional, fast and lightweight! If you write a lot of text that is not in english (read: UTF-8) it becomes pretty annoying as every time you open Scite.exe it defaults to 8-bit character set. To write or see the opened document with UTF8 characters you have to click File > Encoding > UTF-8. While there is no graphical interface for options, you can still change the default encoding manually.
Here is how:

  • Open Scite, click Options > Open global options file
  • search for “#code.page=65001″ (mine is at line 218) and uncomment it (remove # symbol)
  • comment out “code.page=0″ (add # symbol)
  • save the global ooptions file and restart Scite.exe
    Step 1

    Step 2

    And ...

    Now every time you open scite or a document in it, the default encoding will be “Code page property” or UTF-8 in most cases. If it doesn`t work, there area few other lines that you can uncomment right under the mentioned ones.
    Hope this helps!
    Nguồn: http://blog.valtersboze.com/2008/03/scite-default-encoding-to-utf-8/

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